/* globals jQuery, sowb */
var sowb = window.sowb || {};
sowb.SiteOriginSlider = function( $ ) {
return {
playSlideVideo: function( el ) {
$( el ).find( 'video' ).each( function() {
if( typeof this.play !== 'undefined' ) {
} );
var embed = $( el ).find( 'iframe' );
if ( embed.length ) {
// Vimeo
embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"play"}', "*" );
// YouTube
embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', '*' )
pauseSlideVideo: function( el ) {
$( el ).find( 'video' ).each( function() {
if( typeof this.pause !== 'undefined' ) {
} );
var embed = $( el ).find( 'iframe' );
if ( embed.length ) {
// Vimeo
embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"pause"}', "*" );
// YouTube
embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*' )
enableBackground: function( el, background ) {
el.css( 'background-image', background );
el.removeAttr( 'data-background' );
setupActiveSlide: function( slider, newActive, speed ) {
// Start by setting up the active sentinel
var sentinel = $( slider ).find( '.cycle-sentinel' ),
active = $( newActive ),
video = active.find( 'video.sow-background-element' ),
$unmuteButton = $( slider ).prev();
// If this slide hasn't loaded its background, add it.
var background = active.attr( 'data-background' );
if ( background !== undefined ) {
this.enableBackground( active, background );
// If the slider overlay hasn't loaded, set it up.
var overlay = active.find( '.sow-slider-image-overlay' );
if ( overlay ) {
var overlayBackground = overlay.attr( 'data-background' );
if ( overlayBackground !== undefined ) {
this.enableBackground( overlay, overlayBackground );
if ( speed === undefined ) {
sentinel.css( 'height', active.outerHeight() + 'px' );
} else {
sentinel.animate( { height: active.outerHeight() }, speed );
// Hide the unmute button as needed.
if ( $unmuteButton.length ) {
// Mute all slide videos.
$( slider ).find( '.sow-slider-image > video' ).prop( 'muted', true );
var $activeSlideVideo;
var $embed = $( slider ).find( '.sow-slide-video-oembed iframe' );
if ( $embed.length ) {
$activeSlideVideo = $embed;
} else {
$activeSlideVideo = active.find( '> video' );
if ( $activeSlideVideo.length ) {
$unmuteButton.clearQueue().fadeIn( speed );
var settings = $unmuteButton.siblings( '.sow-slider-images' ).data( 'settings' );
// Unmute video if previously unmuted.
if ( $activeSlideVideo.hasClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ) ) {
if ( ! $embed.length ) {
$activeSlideVideo.prop( 'muted', false );
} else {
$embed.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"unMute","args":""}', '*' )
$unmuteButton.addClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' );
// Let screen readers know how to handle this button.
$unmuteButton.attr( 'aria-label', settings.muteLoc );
} else {
$unmuteButton.removeClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' );
$unmuteButton.attr( 'aria-label', settings.unmuteLoc );
} else {
$unmuteButton.clearQueue().fadeOut( speed );
if ( video.length ) {
// Resize the video so it fits in the current slide
slideRatio = active.outerWidth() / active.outerHeight(),
videoRatio = video.outerWidth() / video.outerHeight();
if ( slideRatio > videoRatio ) {
video.css( {
'width' : '100%',
'height' : 'auto'
} );
} else {
video.css( {
'width' : 'auto',
'height' : '100%'
} );
video.css( {
'margin-left' : -Math.ceil( video.width() / 2 ),
'margin-top' : -Math.ceil( video.height() / 2 )
} );
jQuery( function( $ ) {
sowb.setupSliders = sowb.setupSlider = function() {
var siteoriginSlider = new sowb.SiteOriginSlider( $ );
$( '.sow-slider-images' ).each( function() {
var $$ = $( this );
if ( $$.data( 'initialized' ) ) {
return $$;
var $p = $$.siblings( '.sow-slider-pagination' );
var $base = $$.closest( '.sow-slider-base' );
var $n = $base.find( '.sow-slide-nav' );
var $slides = $$.find( '.sow-slider-image' );
var settings = $$.data( 'settings' );
// Add mobile identifer to slider.
if ( settings.breakpoint ) {
$( window ).on( 'load resize', function() {
if ( window.matchMedia( '(max-width: ' + settings.breakpoint + ')' ).matches ) {
$base.addClass( 'sow-slider-is-mobile' );
} else {
$base.removeClass( 'sow-slider-is-mobile' );
} );
$slides.each(function( index, el) {
var $slide = $( el );
var urlData = $slide.data( 'url' );
if ( urlData !== undefined && urlData.hasOwnProperty( 'url' ) ) {
$slide.on( 'click', function( event ) {
var sliderWindow = window.open(
urlData.hasOwnProperty( 'new_window' ) && urlData.new_window ? '_blank' : '_self'
sliderWindow.opener = null;
} );
$slide.find( 'a' ).on( 'click', function( event ) {
} );
} );
var setupSlider = function() {
// If we're inside a fittext wrapper, wait for it to complete, before setting up the slider.
var fitTextWrapper = $$.closest( '.so-widget-fittext-wrapper' );
if ( fitTextWrapper.length > 0 && ! fitTextWrapper.data( 'fitTextDone' ) ) {
fitTextWrapper.on('fitTextDone', function () {
} );
var isLegacyParallax = $$.find( '.sow-slider-image-parallax[data-siteorigin-parallax]' ).length;
var waitForParallax = false;
if ( ! isLegacyParallax ) {
var slidesWithModernParallax = $$.find( '.sow-slider-image-parallax:not([data-siteorigin-parallax])' );
if (
slidesWithModernParallax.length &&
typeof parallaxStyles != 'undefined' &&
! parallaxStyles['disable-parallax-mobile'] ||
! window.matchMedia( '(max-width: ' + parallaxStyles['mobile-breakpoint'] + ')' ).matches
) {
waitForParallax = true;
// Allow slider to be size itself while preventing visual "jump" in modern parallax.
$base.css( 'opacity', 0 );
// Show everything for this slider
var resizeFrames = function() {
$$.find( '.sow-slider-image' ).each( function() {
var $i = $( this );
$i.css( 'height', $i.find( '.sow-slider-image-wrapper' ).outerHeight() + 'px' );
} );
// Setup each of the slider frames
$( window ).on('resize panelsStretchRows', resizeFrames ).trigger( 'resize' );
$( sowb ).on('setup_widgets', resizeFrames );
if ( ! isLegacyParallax && waitForParallax ) {
// Wait for the parallax to finish setting up before
// setting up the rest of the slider.
if ( ! slidesWithModernParallax.find( '.simpleParallax' ).length ) {
setTimeout( setupSlider, 50 );
} else {
// Trigger resize to allow for parallax to work after showing Slider.
window.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'resize' ) );
setTimeout( function() {
$base.css( 'opacity', 1 );
}, 425 );
$$.trigger( 'slider_setup_before' );
// Set up the Cycle with videos
.on( {
'cycle-after' : function( event, optionHash, outgoingSlideEl, incomingSlideEl, forwardFlag ) {
var $$ = $( this );
siteoriginSlider.playSlideVideo( incomingSlideEl );
siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, incomingSlideEl );
$( incomingSlideEl ).trigger( 'sowSlideCycleAfter' );
'cycle-before' : function( event, optionHash, outgoingSlideEl, incomingSlideEl, forwardFlag ) {
var $$ = $(this);
$p.find( '> li' ).removeClass( 'sow-active' ).eq( optionHash.slideNum - 1 ).addClass( 'sow-active' );
siteoriginSlider.pauseSlideVideo( outgoingSlideEl );
siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, incomingSlideEl, optionHash.speed );
$( incomingSlideEl ).trigger( 'sowSlideCycleBefore' );
'cycle-initialized' : function( event, optionHash ) {
siteoriginSlider.playSlideVideo( $( this ).find( '.cycle-slide-active' ) );
siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, optionHash.slides[0] );
$p.find( '>li' ).removeClass( 'sow-active' ).eq( 0 ).addClass( 'sow-active' );
$( this ).find( '.cycle-slide-active' ).trigger( 'sowSlideInitial' );
if ( optionHash.slideCount <= 1 ) {
// Special case when there is only one slide
$( window ).trigger( 'resize' );
setTimeout( function() {
siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, optionHash.slides[0] );
// Ensure we keep auto-height functionality, but we don't want the duplicated content.
$$.find( '.cycle-sentinel' ).empty();
}, 200 );
} )
.cycle( {
'slides' : '> .sow-slider-image',
'speed' : settings.speed,
'timeout' : settings.timeout,
'swipe' : settings.swipe,
'paused' : settings.paused,
'pauseOnHover' : settings.pause_on_hover,
'swipe-fx' : 'scrollHorz',
'log' : false,
} ) ;
$$.find( 'video.sow-background-element' ).on( 'loadeddata', function() {
siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, $$.find( '.cycle-slide-active' ) );
} );
// Set up showing and hiding navs
$p.add( $n ).hide();
if ( $slides.length > 1 ) {
if ( ! $base.hasClass( 'sow-slider-is-mobile' ) ) {
if ( settings.nav_always_show_desktop && window.matchMedia( '(min-width: ' + settings.breakpoint + ')' ).matches ) {
} else {
var toHide = false;
.on( 'mouseenter', function() {
$p.add( $n ).clearQueue().fadeIn( 150 );
toHide = false;
} )
.on( 'mouseleave', function() {
toHide = true;
setTimeout( function() {
if ( toHide ) {
$p.add( $n ).clearQueue().fadeOut( 150 );
toHide = false;
}, 750) ;
} );
} else if (
settings.nav_always_show_mobile &&
window.matchMedia( '(max-width: ' + settings.breakpoint + ')' ).matches
) {
// Resize the sentinel when ever the window is resized, or when widgets are being set up.
var setupActiveSlide = function() {
siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, $$.find( '.cycle-slide-active' ) );
$( window ).on( 'resize', setupActiveSlide );
$( sowb ).on( 'setup_widgets', setupActiveSlide );
// Setup clicks on the pagination
$p.find( '> li > a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
$$.cycle( 'goto', $( this ).data( 'goto' ) );
} );
// Clicking on the next and previous navigation buttons
$n.find( '> a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) {
$$.cycle( $( this ).data( 'action' ) );
} );
$base.on( 'keyup', function( e ) {
if ( e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ) {
$$.cycle( 'prev' );
} else if ( e.key === 'ArrowRight' ) {
$$.cycle( 'next' );
} else {
$base.trigger( 'focus' );
} );
if ( settings.unmute ) {
$base.find( '.sow-player-controls-sound' ).on( 'click', function() {
var $sc = $( this ),
$embed = $sc.next().find( '.cycle-slide-active .sow-slide-video-oembed iframe' );
if ( $embed.length ) {
$activeSlideVideo = $embed;
} else {
$activeSlideVideo = $sc.next().find( '.cycle-slide-active > video' );
if ( $sc.hasClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ) ) {
$sc.removeClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' );
$activeSlideVideo.removeClass( 'sow-player-muted' );
$sc.attr( 'aria-label', settings.unmuteLoc );
if ( $embed.length ) {
$embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"mute","args":""}', '*' )
} else {
$activeSlideVideo.prop( 'muted', true );
} else {
// Used for changing the text/icon of mute button.
$sc.addClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' );
// State tracking.
$activeSlideVideo.addClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' );
// Let screen readers know how to handle this button.
$sc.attr( 'aria-label', settings.muteLoc );
if ( $embed.length ) {
$embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"unMute","args":""}', '*' )
} else {
$activeSlideVideo.prop( 'muted', false );
} );
$$.trigger( 'slider_setup_after' );
if ( typeof $.fn.fitVids === 'function' ) {
$$.find( '.sow-slide-video-oembed' ).fitVids();
$$.data( 'initialized', true );
} );
$( sowb ).on( 'setup_widgets', sowb.setupSliders );
} );
window.sowb = sowb;
Our Process – Greenive Gifts