/* globals jQuery, sowb */ var sowb = window.sowb || {}; sowb.SiteOriginSlider = function( $ ) { return { playSlideVideo: function( el ) { $( el ).find( 'video' ).each( function() { if( typeof this.play !== 'undefined' ) { this.play(); } } ); var embed = $( el ).find( 'iframe' ); if ( embed.length ) { // Vimeo embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"play"}', "*" ); // YouTube embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"playVideo","args":""}', '*' ) } }, pauseSlideVideo: function( el ) { $( el ).find( 'video' ).each( function() { if( typeof this.pause !== 'undefined' ) { this.pause(); } } ); var embed = $( el ).find( 'iframe' ); if ( embed.length ) { // Vimeo embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"method":"pause"}', "*" ); // YouTube embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"pauseVideo","args":""}', '*' ) } }, enableBackground: function( el, background ) { el.css( 'background-image', background ); el.removeAttr( 'data-background' ); }, setupActiveSlide: function( slider, newActive, speed ) { // Start by setting up the active sentinel var sentinel = $( slider ).find( '.cycle-sentinel' ), active = $( newActive ), video = active.find( 'video.sow-background-element' ), $unmuteButton = $( slider ).prev(); // If this slide hasn't loaded its background, add it. var background = active.attr( 'data-background' ); if ( background !== undefined ) { this.enableBackground( active, background ); } // If the slider overlay hasn't loaded, set it up. var overlay = active.find( '.sow-slider-image-overlay' ); if ( overlay ) { var overlayBackground = overlay.attr( 'data-background' ); if ( overlayBackground !== undefined ) { this.enableBackground( overlay, overlayBackground ); } } if ( speed === undefined ) { sentinel.css( 'height', active.outerHeight() + 'px' ); } else { sentinel.animate( { height: active.outerHeight() }, speed ); } // Hide the unmute button as needed. if ( $unmuteButton.length ) { // Mute all slide videos. $( slider ).find( '.sow-slider-image > video' ).prop( 'muted', true ); var $activeSlideVideo; var $embed = $( slider ).find( '.sow-slide-video-oembed iframe' ); if ( $embed.length ) { $activeSlideVideo = $embed; } else { $activeSlideVideo = active.find( '> video' ); } if ( $activeSlideVideo.length ) { $unmuteButton.clearQueue().fadeIn( speed ); var settings = $unmuteButton.siblings( '.sow-slider-images' ).data( 'settings' ); // Unmute video if previously unmuted. if ( $activeSlideVideo.hasClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ) ) { if ( ! $embed.length ) { $activeSlideVideo.prop( 'muted', false ); } else { $embed.contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"unMute","args":""}', '*' ) } $unmuteButton.addClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ); // Let screen readers know how to handle this button. $unmuteButton.attr( 'aria-label', settings.muteLoc ); } else { $unmuteButton.removeClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ); $unmuteButton.attr( 'aria-label', settings.unmuteLoc ); } } else { $unmuteButton.clearQueue().fadeOut( speed ); } } if ( video.length ) { // Resize the video so it fits in the current slide var slideRatio = active.outerWidth() / active.outerHeight(), videoRatio = video.outerWidth() / video.outerHeight(); if ( slideRatio > videoRatio ) { video.css( { 'width' : '100%', 'height' : 'auto' } ); } else { video.css( { 'width' : 'auto', 'height' : '100%' } ); } video.css( { 'margin-left' : -Math.ceil( video.width() / 2 ), 'margin-top' : -Math.ceil( video.height() / 2 ) } ); } }, }; }; jQuery( function( $ ) { sowb.setupSliders = sowb.setupSlider = function() { var siteoriginSlider = new sowb.SiteOriginSlider( $ ); $( '.sow-slider-images' ).each( function() { var $$ = $( this ); if ( $$.data( 'initialized' ) ) { return $$; } var $p = $$.siblings( '.sow-slider-pagination' ); var $base = $$.closest( '.sow-slider-base' ); var $n = $base.find( '.sow-slide-nav' ); var $slides = $$.find( '.sow-slider-image' ); var settings = $$.data( 'settings' ); // Add mobile identifer to slider. if ( settings.breakpoint ) { $( window ).on( 'load resize', function() { if ( window.matchMedia( '(max-width: ' + settings.breakpoint + ')' ).matches ) { $base.addClass( 'sow-slider-is-mobile' ); } else { $base.removeClass( 'sow-slider-is-mobile' ); } } ); } $slides.each(function( index, el) { var $slide = $( el ); var urlData = $slide.data( 'url' ); if ( urlData !== undefined && urlData.hasOwnProperty( 'url' ) ) { $slide.on( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); var sliderWindow = window.open( urlData.url, urlData.hasOwnProperty( 'new_window' ) && urlData.new_window ? '_blank' : '_self' ); sliderWindow.opener = null; } ); $slide.find( 'a' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); } ); } } ); var setupSlider = function() { // If we're inside a fittext wrapper, wait for it to complete, before setting up the slider. var fitTextWrapper = $$.closest( '.so-widget-fittext-wrapper' ); if ( fitTextWrapper.length > 0 && ! fitTextWrapper.data( 'fitTextDone' ) ) { fitTextWrapper.on('fitTextDone', function () { setupSlider(); } ); return; } var isLegacyParallax = $$.find( '.sow-slider-image-parallax[data-siteorigin-parallax]' ).length; var waitForParallax = false; if ( ! isLegacyParallax ) { var slidesWithModernParallax = $$.find( '.sow-slider-image-parallax:not([data-siteorigin-parallax])' ); if ( slidesWithModernParallax.length && typeof parallaxStyles != 'undefined' && ( ! parallaxStyles['disable-parallax-mobile'] || ! window.matchMedia( '(max-width: ' + parallaxStyles['mobile-breakpoint'] + ')' ).matches ) ) { waitForParallax = true; // Allow slider to be size itself while preventing visual "jump" in modern parallax. $base.css( 'opacity', 0 ); } } // Show everything for this slider $base.show(); var resizeFrames = function() { $$.find( '.sow-slider-image' ).each( function() { var $i = $( this ); $i.css( 'height', $i.find( '.sow-slider-image-wrapper' ).outerHeight() + 'px' ); } ); }; // Setup each of the slider frames $( window ).on('resize panelsStretchRows', resizeFrames ).trigger( 'resize' ); $( sowb ).on('setup_widgets', resizeFrames ); if ( ! isLegacyParallax && waitForParallax ) { // Wait for the parallax to finish setting up before // setting up the rest of the slider. if ( ! slidesWithModernParallax.find( '.simpleParallax' ).length ) { setTimeout( setupSlider, 50 ); return; } else { // Trigger resize to allow for parallax to work after showing Slider. window.dispatchEvent( new Event( 'resize' ) ); setTimeout( function() { $base.css( 'opacity', 1 ); }, 425 ); } } $$.trigger( 'slider_setup_before' ); // Set up the Cycle with videos $$ .on( { 'cycle-after' : function( event, optionHash, outgoingSlideEl, incomingSlideEl, forwardFlag ) { var $$ = $( this ); siteoriginSlider.playSlideVideo( incomingSlideEl ); siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, incomingSlideEl ); $( incomingSlideEl ).trigger( 'sowSlideCycleAfter' ); }, 'cycle-before' : function( event, optionHash, outgoingSlideEl, incomingSlideEl, forwardFlag ) { var $$ = $(this); $p.find( '> li' ).removeClass( 'sow-active' ).eq( optionHash.slideNum - 1 ).addClass( 'sow-active' ); siteoriginSlider.pauseSlideVideo( outgoingSlideEl ); siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, incomingSlideEl, optionHash.speed ); $( incomingSlideEl ).trigger( 'sowSlideCycleBefore' ); }, 'cycle-initialized' : function( event, optionHash ) { siteoriginSlider.playSlideVideo( $( this ).find( '.cycle-slide-active' ) ); siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, optionHash.slides[0] ); $p.find( '>li' ).removeClass( 'sow-active' ).eq( 0 ).addClass( 'sow-active' ); $( this ).find( '.cycle-slide-active' ).trigger( 'sowSlideInitial' ); if ( optionHash.slideCount <= 1 ) { // Special case when there is only one slide $p.hide(); $n.hide(); } $( window ).trigger( 'resize' ); setTimeout( function() { resizeFrames(); siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, optionHash.slides[0] ); // Ensure we keep auto-height functionality, but we don't want the duplicated content. $$.find( '.cycle-sentinel' ).empty(); }, 200 ); } } ) .cycle( { 'slides' : '> .sow-slider-image', 'speed' : settings.speed, 'timeout' : settings.timeout, 'swipe' : settings.swipe, 'paused' : settings.paused, 'pauseOnHover' : settings.pause_on_hover, 'swipe-fx' : 'scrollHorz', 'log' : false, } ) ; $$.find( 'video.sow-background-element' ).on( 'loadeddata', function() { siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, $$.find( '.cycle-slide-active' ) ); } ); // Set up showing and hiding navs $p.add( $n ).hide(); if ( $slides.length > 1 ) { if ( ! $base.hasClass( 'sow-slider-is-mobile' ) ) { if ( settings.nav_always_show_desktop && window.matchMedia( '(min-width: ' + settings.breakpoint + ')' ).matches ) { $p.show(); $n.show(); } else { var toHide = false; $base .on( 'mouseenter', function() { $p.add( $n ).clearQueue().fadeIn( 150 ); toHide = false; } ) .on( 'mouseleave', function() { toHide = true; setTimeout( function() { if ( toHide ) { $p.add( $n ).clearQueue().fadeOut( 150 ); } toHide = false; }, 750) ; } ); } } else if ( settings.nav_always_show_mobile && window.matchMedia( '(max-width: ' + settings.breakpoint + ')' ).matches ) { $p.show(); $n.show(); } } // Resize the sentinel when ever the window is resized, or when widgets are being set up. var setupActiveSlide = function() { siteoriginSlider.setupActiveSlide( $$, $$.find( '.cycle-slide-active' ) ); }; $( window ).on( 'resize', setupActiveSlide ); $( sowb ).on( 'setup_widgets', setupActiveSlide ); // Setup clicks on the pagination $p.find( '> li > a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $$.cycle( 'goto', $( this ).data( 'goto' ) ); } ); // Clicking on the next and previous navigation buttons $n.find( '> a' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $$.cycle( $( this ).data( 'action' ) ); } ); $base.on( 'keyup', function( e ) { if ( e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ) { $$.cycle( 'prev' ); } else if ( e.key === 'ArrowRight' ) { $$.cycle( 'next' ); } else { return; } $base.trigger( 'focus' ); } ); if ( settings.unmute ) { $base.find( '.sow-player-controls-sound' ).on( 'click', function() { var $sc = $( this ), $activeSlideVideo, $embed = $sc.next().find( '.cycle-slide-active .sow-slide-video-oembed iframe' ); if ( $embed.length ) { $activeSlideVideo = $embed; } else { $activeSlideVideo = $sc.next().find( '.cycle-slide-active > video' ); } if ( $sc.hasClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ) ) { $sc.removeClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ); $activeSlideVideo.removeClass( 'sow-player-muted' ); $sc.attr( 'aria-label', settings.unmuteLoc ); if ( $embed.length ) { $embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"mute","args":""}', '*' ) } else { $activeSlideVideo.prop( 'muted', true ); } } else { // Used for changing the text/icon of mute button. $sc.addClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ); // State tracking. $activeSlideVideo.addClass( 'sow-player-unmuted' ); // Let screen readers know how to handle this button. $sc.attr( 'aria-label', settings.muteLoc ); if ( $embed.length ) { $embed[0].contentWindow.postMessage( '{"event":"command","func":"unMute","args":""}', '*' ) } else { $activeSlideVideo.prop( 'muted', false ); } } } ); } }; $$.trigger( 'slider_setup_after' ); setupSlider(); if ( typeof $.fn.fitVids === 'function' ) { $$.find( '.sow-slide-video-oembed' ).fitVids(); } $$.data( 'initialized', true ); } ); }; sowb.setupSliders(); $( sowb ).on( 'setup_widgets', sowb.setupSliders ); } ); window.sowb = sowb; About Us – Greenive Gifts
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Greenive is a world of artisanal gifts, featuring indoor table-planters, mementoes, awards, and personalized frames. With a commitment to sustainability, Greenive believes in making positive impressions without harming the environment. Dive into a selection of biophilic gifts that connect you with nature, offering attractive and functional corporate gifting options for your clients, employees, club members, and partners. Make meaningful choices with Greenive.

Grow Happiness

Grow Happiness, a botanical haven curated by Greenive Gifts, is dedicated to transforming spaces into lush, vibrant sanctuaries through our innovative plant rental service. From commercial venues and events to seminars and indoor parties, we bring nature’s beauty to your doorstep, offering a unique and sustainable touch to elevate every occasion. Just as wazamba casino enhances the gaming experience, we invite you to explore our collection of thoughtfully designed planters and embark on a journey to infuse joy, growth, and a refreshing green spirit into your surroundings. Let Grow Happiness be your go-to destination for creating memorable moments and embracing the timeless allure of nature.
our team

Meet the person who
take risks

Anand Taunk’s journey, rooted in a farmer’s family and nurtured in Vadodara’s culturally rich ambiance, began with English-medium education and a subsequent pursuit of Civil Engineering at M.S. University. With a professional background focused on residential housing projects and a stint in housing finance, Anand ventured into exports as the Project Director for ITC’s aquaculture division. Seeking innovation, he explored crafting paper bags from newspapers before envisioning an eco-friendly alternative to traditional flower bouquets—an idea that gave birth to Greenive. Today, Greenive stands as a testament to Anand’s commitment to sustainable, inventive, and growth-oriented gifting.


Leader on
the market
since 2002


Leader on
the market
since 2002

corporate service

Decades of Experience

We appreciate your trust greatly! Our clients choose us and our products because they know we’re the best.
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Quality metalwork

Custom solutions, unique manufacturing process and quality crafted by experience


Curious About Greenive?
Discover Sustainable Gifting Insights!

Greenive’s gifts are crafted with a deep commitment to environmental responsibility. Using eco-friendly materials and inspired by biophilic design, each item is a testament to sustainability, ensuring a positive impact on the planet.

Biophilic design, rooted in the belief that nature enhances well-being, is a core inspiration for Greenive. The gifts are thoughtfully designed to foster a connection with the natural world, promoting not only aesthetic appeal but also a sense of harmony and tranquility.

Greenive offers a diverse array of corporate gifts that blend attractiveness with functionality. Whether for clients, employees, or partners, each item reflects a dedication to sustainable choices, making every gift a meaningful and environmentally conscious gesture.

Biophilic Designs

Diverse Range of Planters


Recyclable Materials


GF1 Sarvam Complex,
Next to SP Tata Showroom,
Opposite Kanan Methodist Church,
Old Channi Main Road
Vadodara, Gujarat – 390002


Designed by Tohu Bohu @ 2024. All Rights Reserved.